
Golden Goddesses

Golden Goddesses
Front Cover: Serena

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Spotlight on Kay Parker

The following text is excerpted from my chapter on Kay Parker:

     Born and raised in Britain during post World War 11, Kay Parker’s memories of her formative years in Birmingham are at times grim.  As an asthmatic sufferer, Parker welcomed the occasional reprieve when her father, a Navy man, brought his family to the lush islands of Malta (meaning “honey sweet” because of its diverse bee population), where he was periodically stationed during her school days.  At age twenty-one, Parker transplanted to New Mexico, “The Land of Enchantment,” where she was hired to work in an upscale boutique at the La Fonda Hotel in Santa Fe.  Although Kay had excelled during her previous work experience as an au pair in Germany, and was fluent in the German language, she was ready to broaden her horizons.  After remaining in New Mexico for a couple of years, Parker eventually found herself living in San Francisco at the height of the sixties revolution, and continued to expand her employment options which included managing a small rock band.   In 1976, at age thirty two, the curvaceous natural beauty appeared in her first film depicting sex, and later gained notoriety for portraying a woman who embarked upon a sexual relationship with her adult son (played by Mike Ranger) in Taboo (1980).  Kay believes that her sensitive approach to the subject of incest, in a highly acclaimed performance, was an empowering experience that has helped to facilitate immense personal spiritual growth and development.  She does not subscribe to coincidence or accidents.  

     Taboo is the one film I am best known for which makes it ironic that it was an incestuous role.  Again, obviously, I pondered deeply and looked at the prospect of playing that character from many different facets, and I had to deeply reckon within myself when I took the role because I had known women who had experienced incest.  I knew how prevalent it was and that it is a very sensitive issue.  First of all, we should make the statement, and this is the feedback that I have received from many individuals, is that people don’t take the storylines of these films seriously.  However, for me it was a serious issue, and I looked inside and I talked to my guides and I said, ‘Why would I even consider this?’  And then I realized that somebody was going to do it so why not me?  I could at least bring some consciousness and sensitivity to it.  Now, a lot of individuals who have an issue, and who have the scars would say, ‘That’s a fine excuse'.  All I would say is that I was guided to do it, and because of that I have an even bigger platform today to do my spiritual work and healing, so that was just a path that my destiny took me down.  I’m totally responsible for it, and yet, that movie was a very defining point in time for a lot of reasons.  I wrote about it in a chapter of my own book, TABOO: Sacred, Don't Touch (An Autobiographical Journey Spanning Six-Thousand Years).
     My guidance for anyone considering entering the adult entertainment business has always been, ‘Think very carefully.’  It’s like with children; they’re going to do what they’re going to do.  The more you tell them not to do something it’s more than likely their impetus to do it.  It’s not an easy industry.  Filmmaking is filmmaking.  It’s grueling and it’s long and it’s tedious.  If you’re going to do it, you’re going to do it, but women need to thing doubly or triply about it because it takes its toll on the emotional body.  This is where a lot of people have that idea about women being objectified and abused.  That’s where it comes from because if you take a young lady, a little babe, who has been scarred in some way, and put her in front of a camera, and you pump her full of ideas of success and stardom, it can be extremely damaging, in addition to the damage that’s already there.  We have seen that and I think we still see it, but I think it is part of any industry.  It happens in Hollywood. 

     The career was a piece of my past that brought me to this point with wisdom and understanding.  In terms of sharing it with neighbors that don’t know about that – it’s not necessary.  Sometimes it comes up, but it’s like with my family in a sense.  At that time, they would not have understood, and it wasn’t necessary to expose them to that.  It was my path to go down and for me to deal with, not for them to deal with.   I didn’t want to impose that upon them and would not impose it upon certain people.  Then there are other people – a lot of individuals that I’ve counseled, and I’m speaking in terms of the male populous -- have known about the past.  For some reason it has been a plus and I’m absolutely clear with people that my work is strictly spiritual counseling.  If they have an issue and they want to heal and they’re willing to do the inner work, then certainly, I’ll do the work with them.  If they’re coming to me thinking that we’re going to do some kind of hands on work, sorry.  That’s not what I do.  But there are times when just because of my past and because they know I’ve gone down that road, it somehow gives me an opening, that other therapists wouldn’t be able to attain.
     What I’m doing today is assisting in the uplifting of consciousness on the planet.  That’s it, in a nutshell; anything that I can do and anyway that I can do it.  God’s already using me to do this.  I’m here to join the ranks of the other amazing souls on the planet who are working towards this end.  I interact with some very profound individuals who are involved in global consciousness.  I don’t believe that this planet, third dimensionally, will ever attain peace because the collective ego is still too involved.  But, we’re moving toward a time of planetary ascension, meaning a dimensional shift, and, at that point, those who are spiritually ready and equipped will move forward and they will experience peace.  It’s a good time to be alive – it’s not an easy time but it’s what we came to do.
